Best Washing machine for household purposes

Gift for the loved ones (Crystal Cube with LED)

 Every single person in this world has loved ones and they need to express their love in different methods. The best method as I know is gifting some things as memorable. Gifts must be unique and they should attract the person. Most people thought, gifting valuable things will attract everyone but it is not, before buying anything they must know, what he or she likes the most.

How to know what he or she likes the most?

Most people don't know the exact thing, that their loved ones wish to have. In another scenario, those gifts may already be gifted by someone. In these two cases, you may struggle with what can you gift to your loved ones. And as a result, I come up with this beautiful product called Crystal Cube. My view about this product is, it is very unique and every person in this world will love this product

The specialty of Crystal Cube

  • The Cost of the crystal cube is very low, so no one needs to worry about the price of the product
  • You can add photos to this crystal cube on the sides. For example, if you are a guy and you need to gift this crystal cube to your girlfriend, just place the pictures of both of you, which you both loves
  • It comes up with a LED light, which will add more look to the product at the night time
  • The Crystal cube will keep on rotating so the person can view all the four sides of it and every individual side will have different pictures, which was selected by yourself
  • It can rotate by directly connecting it to the electricity with an adapter or you can also run this with the help of AA batteries

Specification of the product

  1. The size of the crystal cube is 2.3 inches * 2.3 inches *2.3 inches. (l*b*h)
  2. The crystal cube is made up of glass 
  3. The type of the crystal cube is collectibles
  4. The motor size of the LED cube is 2.3 inches * 2.3 inches * 1.7 inches (l*b*h)
  5. The material made up of is plastic
  6. And the typ of the motor made from is collectibles

Important Note

  • The price of the crystal cube is just Rupees 1395 or 18.69 dollars
  • The material is madeup of glass, therefore it needs to maintain properly
  • It has the ability to run on both Electricity and Batteries
