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Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot & Power Bank ( Skyroam Solis )

 Nowadays, people, can't do their daily routine without the help of the internet. The whole world gets modernized in the past twenty years and the internet was one of the biggest evolution in these twenty years. People, who work on the computer must require an internet connection for their work purpose. Also, Social media like Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp plays a vital role in every person's life, and therefore, to meet these needs continuous network connection is required. To provide continuous network connection, Wifi was invented in the year 1998. Many companies produce wifi modems for the people to do their daily work but travelers like businessmen, traveler, and students suffer a bit because when they are getting into the new country they require new sim card for the internet service and to overcome this, the Skyroam company had invented Skyroam Solis, which is portable wifi-hotspot with a power bank. The specialty of this hotspot is, it doesn't require any new sim cards for more than 130 countries for providing network, this was much helpful for the people who travel to new countries all the time. 

What is Skyroam Solis?

Skyroam Solis is a wifi modern, which helps the user to connect with the internet and the speciality of this modern is, more than 130 countries it doesn't require sim cards for the internet connectivity. It also acts as a power bank therefore it is a best suitable for travellers. Business people always require internet to make things run and it is very helpful for them while travelling. Most of the business people require this Skyroam Solis because they don't need to purchase any sim card to use the internet in new countries. Every single country has some rules and regulations to buy sim cards and by carrying this skyroam, the user don't need to worry about this sim. Students, who are going to do their higher studies in other countries also prefer this skyroam. It also contains 6000mAh powerbank, which is very helpful for the user to charge his electronic devices.

Important things to notice in this Skyroam Solis

  • More than ten devices can be connected at this device 
  • Act as a multifunctional tool, which are, wifi modern and powerbank for all the electronic devices
  • The cost of this Skyroam Solis is just 20 $
  • The user don't need to worry about any sim card for about 130 countries
  • Powerbank capacity is about 6000 mAh 
  • Small in size and easy to carry

What's in the box?

  • Skyroam Solis
  • USB Type-C cable
  • USB Type-C to USB adapter
  • Quick start guide

My thoughts about this product

  • Very useful for travellers because it is acting as a multi functional tool, which are, powerbank and wifi moderm
  • The product cost is not much expensive ( 120 $) because different countries have different prices for the data plan and sim cards
  • Very small in size and easy to carry
  • The user can connect more than 10 devices at a time
  • The user can also charge any electronics from the Skyroam Solis, it contains about 6000mAh battery as a power bank
  • I wish the Skyroam solis plans are available in all over the world instead of only 130 countries
