Best Washing machine for household purposes

Everything about Air Cooler

 The summer season has started in many countries and people has started to suffer due to high temperature. People cant able to sleep peacefully in their houses due to this hotness. Therefore, People who are rich or middle class will try to save money for buying an AC, while others will look out for an Air cooler because AC cost is much higher than the Air Cooler

Things you need to consider before buying an Air cooler

  1. Types of Air cooler
The Air cooler types are basically classified into two types, they are
  • Personal Coolers
  • Desert Coolers
    Personal coolers are generally made for home appliances. By the name itself, we can understand that this type of cooler is for personal use. We can see these in private offices, especially in the manager's room because their rooms will not have much space. It is best for rooms with sizes are 150 sqft to 300 sqft
    Desert coolers are for bigger rooms. For example, In marriage functions, these desert coolers are placed close to the bride. Desert coolers are best for room sizes that are greater than 300 sqft

    2. Tank Capacity

The Water tank capacity needs to be considered before buying any aircoolers because it is one of the essential important thing to improve the cooling in the surroundings. Air Coolers are made to simply flow air in both normal and swing modes and by adding water to the tank will help the aircooler to flow cool air all around the surroundings. People must always choose bigger tank aircoolers, so that the cool will last for a longer period of time

    3. Perfect place for specific aircoolers

As we know, there are two types of aircoolers and both of them have their own uniqueness. People should choose desert air coolers, if they tend to place them in open door like balcony or backyard. And for personal use like for sleeping or working in a room, they should choose the personal coolers. But some people will choose desert aircoolers for their personal rooms because the desert cooler will cool the area in a lesser period of time than the personal coolers

    4. Considering the Climate

I know, people from different continents are reading this article and everyone got various climate due to to different geographical areas. Let me tell you which air cooler is suitable for you according to your geographiocal climate
  • Desert coolers are best for the dry climate conditions
  • Personal coolers are best for humid areas
    5. Noise Level

Uusally, most of the people buy aircoolers for their personal use like , to have a comfortable sleep or to work in an silent beautiful environment. Lots and lots of air coolers are being produced by different companies all over the world and some of them are best and some of them are not. So, before buying them you should check the noise level by keeping them in the maximum fan speed. It is one of the very important step because if you didn't follow this and you bought the air cooler which is too noisy, then u cant sleep peacefully untill you shape yourself to adjust with the sound or buy a new one

    6. Cooling Pads

Different kind of cooling pads are available for different types of coolers. It is very important to go through the cooling pads before buying the air cooler. Three most common cooling pads in the air cooler are wool wood, aspen pads and honeycomb cooling pads. People usually go on with the honeycomb cooling pads because it is low on maintenance and good in cooling the surroundings

    7. Ice Chamber

Some specific coolers are manufactured with the ice chamber, this helps the aircooler to give good output, which is the cooling air. Most of the aircoolers have come up only with the water tank and if the water is hot then the air cooler will starts to flow hot air all around the surroundings. With the help of this ice chamber the user can add ice cubes to the air cooler, which will helps the water to cool immediately and the air cooler will start to give good flow of cold air in a matter of time
    8. Power Consumption

Nowadays air coolers are coming up with inverter technology. This technology will help the people by taking only less power house to the air cooler system and it can also able to run even at the power cuts without any struggles. Modern air coolers are usually coming up with this inverter technology
