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 Smartwatch is one of the best electronic gadgets. It is a wearable device, used to see the time, connect Bluetooth, answer calls, reply to a text, and save data. Smartwatches usage is very large due to the functions of them. It helps the people to ease their task and also to become modern in this modernized world. From the year 2010, the smartphone has become bullish in the market and every single company on the electronic side has produced different kinds of smartwatches. The usual price of the smartwatches is around 100$ to 300$. 

History of Smartwatch

The first digital electronic watch was introduced in the year of 1972 and the name of the watch is Pulsar, which has been invented by the Hamilton Watch Company. The Hamilton Watch Company is an American company founded in the year 1892 that produce wristwatches. Due to the success of the pulsar product, it turns into a brand name and this brand name has been purchased by the Seiko company in 1978. As we all know the personal computer was introduced in the year 1980, the Seiko company has tried to get this personal computer functions into their watches In 1983, the Seiko company has invented a new model watch that comes up with an external keyboard for data entry and the watch was called as Data 2000 watch. 2000 in the name represents the number of characters that can be stored in the watch. The RC-1000 wrist terminal was the first smartwatch, developed by Seiko Epson, which can able interface with a computer and this watch comes into the market in 1984. After that, the RC-20 wrist computer has launched into the market in 1985, this watch also comes under the brand name of Seiko Epson. 


In the early 1990s, the Timex company has innovated a different kind of smartwatches for people. Timex Datalink is the basic smartwatches introduced by the Timex company in the year 1994. The Timex Datalink was the first watch that has the ability to download information from a personal computer without any cables. In 1998, a man named Steve Mann has invented the first Linux watch and it was a successful one, later on, Steve Mann was called the "father of wearable computing". After these new smartwatches, the Samsung company has stepped into it and invent the world's first watch phone in the year 1999. The name of the watch was SPH-WP10, this watch contains a protruding antenna, a monochrome LCD screen, and also with a combined speaker and microphone to talk. 


In the 2000s, IBM has stepped into the smartwatch business. International Business Machining Corporation is one of the biggest consulting company and its headquarters is located in Armonk. This company had come up with a prototype for the wristwatch that runs on Linux operating system. IBM helped the Citizen Watch Co to create WatchPad. The citizen company has produced this watch pad on focusing the businessman in all over the world. WatchPad also has the facility of Bluetooth to transfer any data or to play music in your smartwatch. In the year of 2003, the Fossil Company has published a new smartwatch called Wrist PDA. The Wrist PDA runs on the plan operating system, and also this watch contains 8MB of RAM and 4MB of flash memory. The negative part of the Wrist PDA is the weight of the watch and therefore the company discontinued its model in 2005. In 2004, Microsoft invented a new smartwatch called the SPOT smartwatch. Here, the word SPOT stands for Smart Personal Objects Technology, this spot helps the user to get control over other household electronic gadgets by linking them with his smartwatch. Microsoft Smart Watch had a monochrome 90 * 126-pixel screen and it rates from 130$ to 150$. In the year of 2009, Hermen van den Burg launched the first standalone smartphone watch to avoid the necessity of the smartphone to control them. 


From the year 2010, the usage of the smartwatch has become bullish in the market. Sony has launched the Sony Ericsson Live View, it is one of the wearable smartwatch and with high powered android in the early 2010s. In 2013, a startup company called Omate has invented a smartwatch and the specialty of this smartwatch is, that it has the full capability of the smartphone, the name of the watch was called as TrueSmart. From some research, we came to know that 2013 was the "Year of the SmartWatch". Many more companies have stepped into the market to make smartwatches for the people due to the success among them. Some of the companies are, Acer, Apple, Blackberry, Foxconn. In the month of September 2013, a set of smartwatches has been launched into the market, which is, Samsung Galaxy Gear, Sony Smartwatch 2, and Qualcomm Toq. In the year 2014, the Consumer Electronics Show has carried out and at that time, a large number of smartwatches are launched by many new companies and even startup companies are also included among them. On June 25, 2014, the android smartwatches have come into the market, the smartwatches made by the android OS are LG G Watch and Samsung Gear Live. In April 2015, Apple Inc Company has launched its first Apple Watch, which runs by its own operating system. Samsung Gear S3 was launched on 31st August 2016 and it was a huge success for the Samsung company in the smartwatch session. Apple Watch Series 4 has come to the market again in September 2018 and the company's expectation in the sell rate has reached in a very short period of time. 

Merits of Smart Watch

  • Smartwatches act as a perfect fitness tracker
  • Able to use social media
  • Can able to view and reply to messages
  • Bluetooth connectivity is available
  • Help to find tour mobile phones and other Bluetooth devices connected to the smartwatch
  • Can call anyone through smartwatch
  • Will monitor your heartbeat and pulse
  • Easy to use
  • Helps as a navigation system

Demerits of Smart Watch

  • Little bit expensive while comparing with normal watches
  • Need to recharge regularly
  • The screen may easily get scratch and makes it difficult for further use
  • The screen is very tiny while comparing with smartphones
  • It does not provide accurate information, such as the heartbeat, pulse, and so on.
