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Smallest Travel Vacuum (VAGO)

 Most people will get stress while packing their things in a bag for traveling due to the insufficient space in the bag or missing products. Everyone knows that packing stuff in a bag is little complicated because some product occupies more space than its actual volume and in order overcome this situation, Smallest Travel Vacum was launched in the market and this gadget will suck the air in the compressible bag and give additional space for the user to pack their things. This gadget is very much useful for people those travels a lot and buys things from  those places to their homes because buying new products require additional space in the bag and this smallest travel vacuum  will free up some space to help the user to pack these things


VAGO was formed in the year of 22nd November 2017 and it is also a non-government company. The main role of the company is to support the transport activities and finding new gadgets related to travel to help the people. VAGO is one of the gadgets created by the company, this gadget will suck the air in any sealed bag of a person and free more than 50 percent spaces to add additional materials for their travel. This gadget has very good demand among the travelers because travelers are the one that suffers a lot in packaging things into a bag. Some airlines will charge an additional amount for an extra bag, therefore everyone will try to keep things in a single bag, and for that this VAGO helps a lot. It is very easy to carry and a lightweight gadget

Features of VAGO

  • It will easily compress soft items like clothes, snacks, and other products and make extra space in a bag up to 50 percent
  • The size of this VAGO is just 7 centimeters, therefore the user can even put them in a pocket like a ballpoint pen
  • The VAGO weighs only 77 grams
  • This gadget will automatically detect the pressure and stops the compression at the right time
  • It takes only 5 minutes to vacuum a medium bag
  • VAGO also helps the user by eliminating the odor in the luggage  and removes the bacteria easily while compressing

My thoughts about this gadget VAGO

  • Very useful for the tourist people, who will buy products in the new area that they are visiting 
  • Very necessary products for the people, who use airlines much because some airlines will allow only one luggage and bag per person, due to this, they need to pack their things in a single bag and this smallest vacuum will free up some space in their bag and helps to fit all things inside them
  • The size 70mm and weight of 77 grams of the product is very low, which is a major advantage in this gadget
  • Spending five minutes on compressing your bag will reduce big stress while packing 
